Reading Dever's synopsis of the Gospel, which I thought was incredibly simplistic but accurate, my first thought was how many of our people would feel that they were being put on the spot and offended. Do we have the relationships even within the church to be able to ask such bold, but simple questions?
Another thing that is not spelled out but is implied is Dever's view of the role of the pastor. It's a view that the pastor's role is much more than what many in Baptist circles would care to enjoy. I would personally like to see that these kinds of questions come from deacons, even Sunday School teachers.
How many of our Sunday School teachers could answer let alone ask their students to explain the Gospel in 60 seconds. Encourage it in your class next Sunday. Take somebody out to lunch that you haven't gotten to know very well; maybe a new member.
We have got to raise the bar in Sunday Schools. Many of us may say, "Amen," but if we don't set the standard and then tell them that there is a standard, they will not live up to it!
Start there building the relationships. It's not enough that the pastor holds us to it, we must, we must hold each other to the standard of being able to explain the Glorious Gospel in 60 seconds, and understand how to live it a lifetime.
On a technical note, when posting make sure that your font is set to "normal size"(12 pic). It seems to cause the template to force everything down below the lowest link. Mark your the culprit.lol.
Soli Deo Gloria,
The more people talking about the gospel the merrier! Good post Aaron.
I totally agree if we do not hold ourselves to a higher standard, God will hold us accountable and personally I would much prefer to hear "Well done thy good and faithful servant."
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