Thursday, February 15, 2007

Thursday's Prayer

Thursday's reading-

My Lord, as those who hold their child for the first time or stand before the expanse of the Grand Canyon or see the stars over Yellowstone are silent in amazement so that is a glimpse of how I stand before Your Word this morning.

Where do I begin to praise You? How do I put into words something so magnificent as the birth of Your Son; something so wonderful as the entrance of my Savior? I will use the words of those who lived it.

My soul magnifies You and my spirit rejoices in You my Savior. I am so unworthy of any gift from Your hand. I am especially unworthy of Your Son. You, God are mighty and you have done great things for me. You have given me mercy. You have shown Your strength. You scatter the proud and bring down the mighty. You exalt the humble and fill the hungry. You send away the rich but help Your servant Israel out of Your great mercy.

I feel like one of Elizabeth's neighbors; rejoicing with her. I join myself with Zechariah and lift up his prayer. Blessed are You my God because You have visted us and redeemed us. You have raised up a way of salvation just as You promised. You will save us from our enemies, show us mercy, and remember Your covenant and oath.

What does all this mean? It means I am saved! It means Your mercy sent Christ who covers my sin and gives me His righteousness so that I might serve You without fear. You give me Christ so that I might serve in holiness and righteousness all my days. What wonderous love is this!?! John proclaimed forgiveness of sins and I proclaim forgiveness of sins. I proclaim Jesus Christ.

How am I forgiven? Lord, You are tender in mercy and You have sent Your Light. When I sat in the darkness of my sins You sent Christ to guide my feet into the way of peace. You sent Christ to guide me to You. Praise You for the marvelous Light!

Praise You for Jesus!

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