Saturday, March 24, 2007

Saturday's Prayer


Father, Son, and Spirit You all have truly done great things. You all are truly great Things! This morning I give You all praise. I offer up to You all worship and joy in Your name. I exalt You! I praise You! I am Your's and by the great work of grace You are mine! Glorify Yourself in my life. Glorify Yourself in my praise.

May the truths of Your Scripture bring encouragement and focus to Your church. May we believe in You, know You, see You, and dwell today and always in You. Raise up the skilled to lead us. Raise up men and women, young and old, who are gifted to serve and skilled to work in so many ways. Lord, You will not leave us as orphans. Father, you will not abandon us but will come to us.

Stir our hearts. Spirit move us. Make us willing and generous; ready and prepared for every good work. You are good. Jesus You are amazing. You are the way to life. You are the truth. You are my Savior and today 'if ever I loved you my Jesus 'tis now!'


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