Tuesday, May 08, 2007

You have gone to far!

Numbers 16 is an account of pride and refusal to recognize authority. Korah's complaint is that "all in the congregation are holy, every one of them and the Lord is among them." In essence, everyone should be the leader and not Moses. In all honesty, Korah probably doesn't want a democracy but a Korahocracy. Moses is then accused of being power hungry and greedy by Dathan and Abiram. Then, to add inusult to injury, the people's lack of faith and refusal to follow God is then blamed on Moses. When God makes it clear that Aaron is the priest and Moses is the leader by swallowing Korah and his family alive then even that is blamed on Moses!

How do we know Moses and Aaron weren't power hungry authority abusers? They were concerned about the people. Moses prayed for the people and feared for their safety in the face of God's righteous punishment. Aaron, instead of running from the plague, ran into it to make atonement, not for his sins, but for the sins of the people. They put their lives on the line for people who wanted them gone.

In most churches today there is the same type of struggle over authority. We are a royal priesthood which means you can't tell me what to do. The individual claims Christ as the only authority not realizing that it is God who instituted authority in the home, authority in the government, and authority in the church. We say we want God as our authority then we do not do what He says. (Read Psalm 52 and keep in my Moses and Korah)

Lord, give us godly leaders who love You and Your people. Give us men who are not hungry for power but but are passionate to see Your people mature in the faith. I pray for my pastor this morning. God, may he love You more than power. May he love us more than the things of the world. God help this church, all of whom are holy, follow the leadership You have installed. May our recognition of authority be pleasing in Your sight. May Christ be praised by the way we handle things in the church.

In Christ and under His authority

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