The wisdom of God delivered through Martyn Lloyd-Jones:
The main art in the matter of spiritual living is to know how to handle yourself. You have to take yourself in hand, you have to address yourself, preach to yourself, question yourself. You must say to your soul: ‘Why art thou cast down’—what business have you to be disquieted? You must turn on yourself, upbraid yourself, condemn yourself, exhort yourself, and say to yourself: ‘Hope thou in God’—instead of murmuring in this depressed, unhappy way. And then you must go on to remind yourself of God, Who God is, and what God is and what God has done, and what God has pledged Himself to do. Then having done that, end on this great note: defy yourself, and defy other people, and defy the devil and the whole world, and say with this man: ‘I shall yet praise Him for the help of His countenance, who is also the health of my countenance and my God’ (Spiritual Depression, 21).
The Body at Mambrino is aware that my wife appears to have begun having a miscarriage. We go to the doctor early this afternoon. Pray for us that we will hope in God. Pray for us that God will see fit to give us this child. Pray for me that I will lead my wife to love God in the valley.
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