Friday, July 28, 2006

A prayer long forgotten

There never seems to be a shortage of times when I think I'm right, even ready to fight to the death for it, and later my error is exposed. There also never seems to be a shortage of people who are just like me. I guess that is why Bunyan's prayer in paragraph 44 stood out. Here it is:

"O Lord, I am a fool, and not able to know the truth from error; Lord leave me not to my own blindness, either to approve of, or condemn this doctrine; if it be of God, let me not despise it; if it be of the devil, let me not embrace it. Lord, I lay my soul, in this matter, only at thy foot, let me not be deceived, I humbly beseech thee."

I know this prayer was offered concerning matters of which Bunyan was NOT sure. But why should we not in healthy doses exposes those things we are so sure of to this prayer and a return to Scripture? I fear we have forgotten that we see through a mirror dimly.

May God give us His wisdom and confound all of our own.

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