My God who is the very Fear of Isaac and Lord of the Sabbath, call me out of the darkness. Like Levi, may I hear you say, "follow me" and may I have the heart to follow. My priorities are confused and so much of my day seems wasted working for another man's selfish gains; working for the old man's selfish desires. Forgive me. You have the power to forgive sins; Lord forgive me. Make me a friend to those in need. Give me faith to sustain not just my self but those around me who cannot carry their own weight. Give me friends who whose faith will sustain me when I cannot carry my own weight. Lord the discontent within my soul longs for your return.
Come Lord Jesus
Tuesday, January 30, 2007
Monday, January 29, 2007
Monday's Prayer, January 29 (Daily reading)
My Lord, show me Your glory. John the Baptist saw the Lamb and realized he was unworthy to even untie Christ's sandal. Simon and Andrew saw Christ and realized in Him there was something better than what was in the boat. God may I see that You are worth the wilderness, the preaching, and the leaving of this world's things. I pray also for the flock, Your Church. Grant us not just an outward showing of repentance but an inward change as Your Spirit takes up residence within. Baptize us with Your Spirit that we may be bold and humble; broken for sins yet whole in Christ. Amaze us with You.
Through Christ
My Lord, show me Your glory. John the Baptist saw the Lamb and realized he was unworthy to even untie Christ's sandal. Simon and Andrew saw Christ and realized in Him there was something better than what was in the boat. God may I see that You are worth the wilderness, the preaching, and the leaving of this world's things. I pray also for the flock, Your Church. Grant us not just an outward showing of repentance but an inward change as Your Spirit takes up residence within. Baptize us with Your Spirit that we may be bold and humble; broken for sins yet whole in Christ. Amaze us with You.
Through Christ
Friday, January 26, 2007
Friday's prayer
Follow this link to the daily reading
Lord, as I read Your word today I was saddened by the overwhelming amount of self-centered sin. Jacob lied to his father to get the blessing. Esau comforted himself with thoughts of murder. The Pharisees planned a strategy to kill Jesus. Judas betrayed Christ for money. The disciples ran scared leaving their Savior alone. Peter cursed and denied evening knowing Christ. Father we are desperately in need of grace. I am in need of your mercy because I feel the temptation to lie, comfort myself with thoughts of other's destruction, and abandon You and Your will for my own confort and security. My Lord and my God please wash me. As I came to Your word this morning and reasoned with You what is clear is that my sin is like scarlett and crimson before You. As I saw sin upon sin in Your Scripture I was reminded of my own cleansing. I thank You Father that Christ did not run scared, sucumb to the temptation of the easy way, return death threats for death threats, or curse instead of serve. I thank you that in Christ's life, death, and faithfulness I find forgiveness and power to overcome sin. Thank You Father. Thank You.
Lord, as I read Your word today I was saddened by the overwhelming amount of self-centered sin. Jacob lied to his father to get the blessing. Esau comforted himself with thoughts of murder. The Pharisees planned a strategy to kill Jesus. Judas betrayed Christ for money. The disciples ran scared leaving their Savior alone. Peter cursed and denied evening knowing Christ. Father we are desperately in need of grace. I am in need of your mercy because I feel the temptation to lie, comfort myself with thoughts of other's destruction, and abandon You and Your will for my own confort and security. My Lord and my God please wash me. As I came to Your word this morning and reasoned with You what is clear is that my sin is like scarlett and crimson before You. As I saw sin upon sin in Your Scripture I was reminded of my own cleansing. I thank You Father that Christ did not run scared, sucumb to the temptation of the easy way, return death threats for death threats, or curse instead of serve. I thank you that in Christ's life, death, and faithfulness I find forgiveness and power to overcome sin. Thank You Father. Thank You.
Wednesday, January 24, 2007
Wednesday January 24
Daily Bible Reading-
My God, You are Lord over nations, life, death, families, descendents, tribulation, and Christ's coming. There are things You know that no one else knows. Your knowledge is too great for us. Your ways are beyond our comprehension. Show me more of who You are. I join in with the prayer of John the Baptist, "You must increase and I must decrease." I pray it knowing that all that is good within me is because of You and Your work. All that is evil and damaging to the Kingdom within me is because of me and my work. Lord, please increase.
Increase so much in me and in my life that I do not fear struggles and difficulties. May wars and famines and earthquakes focus me on You and being a faithful servant of Your Kingdom. Forgive me for losing my focus. Forgive me for worrying more about how the war in Iraq effects me and my family's future more than how You can work this for the good.
The fig tree of the times points to the nearness of Your coming. May I and your church not be like those in the days of Noah who were unaware and careless. May I and your church not be like the wicked servant who wasted life on luxuries that lead only to death. Lord, You are speaking to us through Your Word. Give us ears to hear and strength to be found faithful. Give us Christ our blessed Lord and only Savior.
Through Him
My God, You are Lord over nations, life, death, families, descendents, tribulation, and Christ's coming. There are things You know that no one else knows. Your knowledge is too great for us. Your ways are beyond our comprehension. Show me more of who You are. I join in with the prayer of John the Baptist, "You must increase and I must decrease." I pray it knowing that all that is good within me is because of You and Your work. All that is evil and damaging to the Kingdom within me is because of me and my work. Lord, please increase.
Increase so much in me and in my life that I do not fear struggles and difficulties. May wars and famines and earthquakes focus me on You and being a faithful servant of Your Kingdom. Forgive me for losing my focus. Forgive me for worrying more about how the war in Iraq effects me and my family's future more than how You can work this for the good.
The fig tree of the times points to the nearness of Your coming. May I and your church not be like those in the days of Noah who were unaware and careless. May I and your church not be like the wicked servant who wasted life on luxuries that lead only to death. Lord, You are speaking to us through Your Word. Give us ears to hear and strength to be found faithful. Give us Christ our blessed Lord and only Savior.
Through Him
Monday, January 22, 2007
Monday January 22 Daily Reading & Prayer
My Lord and My God, what an amazing day you gave us yesterday to gather as your people. You have done so much for us. You have done everything for us. The young and old, the rich and poor, they are all one people because of Christ. You truly do great things!
Ephron was like you, generous and ready to give. Teach us to be like You as we follow the example of Ephron the giver. Teach us Lord to be like You as we follow the example of Christ. He invited everyone to come to the wedding feast. He invited everyone to enter the kingdom of heaven but some are not worthy and do not want to come. God make me worthy. God put in me the desire to feast with You and Your people in the kingdom. Lord, you tell us 'Many are called but few are chosen' (Matt 22:14). Number me among the chosen.
Do not number me among those who desire to trick others. Do not number me among those who do not know the Scripture nor the power of God. Lord I want to know You. Lord I want to know Your power but there is so much sin in my life. There is little faith where there should be great faith. I get caught up on opinions and appearances. Wash me from the sin that clings so closely to my heart that I may know Your Scripture and Your power. Do in me and do in this church what only You can do- bring restoration, unity, and usefulness. Bring Your power through Your Word to convict me of my sin and cleanse me from all unrighteousness.
Thank you for Christ who is the pure sacrifice for my sins and the pure righteousness that you require of me. Lead me.
In Christ
My Lord and My God, what an amazing day you gave us yesterday to gather as your people. You have done so much for us. You have done everything for us. The young and old, the rich and poor, they are all one people because of Christ. You truly do great things!
Ephron was like you, generous and ready to give. Teach us to be like You as we follow the example of Ephron the giver. Teach us Lord to be like You as we follow the example of Christ. He invited everyone to come to the wedding feast. He invited everyone to enter the kingdom of heaven but some are not worthy and do not want to come. God make me worthy. God put in me the desire to feast with You and Your people in the kingdom. Lord, you tell us 'Many are called but few are chosen' (Matt 22:14). Number me among the chosen.
Do not number me among those who desire to trick others. Do not number me among those who do not know the Scripture nor the power of God. Lord I want to know You. Lord I want to know Your power but there is so much sin in my life. There is little faith where there should be great faith. I get caught up on opinions and appearances. Wash me from the sin that clings so closely to my heart that I may know Your Scripture and Your power. Do in me and do in this church what only You can do- bring restoration, unity, and usefulness. Bring Your power through Your Word to convict me of my sin and cleanse me from all unrighteousness.
Thank you for Christ who is the pure sacrifice for my sins and the pure righteousness that you require of me. Lead me.
In Christ
Friday, January 19, 2007
Friday Daily Reading
My God, when I think of the grace you have given me through Christ that covers my sin I am grateful. When I think of the grace you have given me through Christ that kept me from sins I never saw I am amazed. You do things for me that I am not aware of. You keep me from pain and punishment.
God, you do the impossible; you save me. Lord, fill my thoughts today with gratitude. Fill my words today with thanksgiving. Fill my day with obedience. You have shown me again and again the futility of living for myself. You have shown me the reward of living for you. You have shown me Christ. He is the first and he made himself last. Humility like that of a child guided him. Wonder and joy like that of a kid marked his days. May it mark mine. Do in me the impossible.
With wonder in Christ
My God, when I think of the grace you have given me through Christ that covers my sin I am grateful. When I think of the grace you have given me through Christ that kept me from sins I never saw I am amazed. You do things for me that I am not aware of. You keep me from pain and punishment.
God, you do the impossible; you save me. Lord, fill my thoughts today with gratitude. Fill my words today with thanksgiving. Fill my day with obedience. You have shown me again and again the futility of living for myself. You have shown me the reward of living for you. You have shown me Christ. He is the first and he made himself last. Humility like that of a child guided him. Wonder and joy like that of a kid marked his days. May it mark mine. Do in me the impossible.
With wonder in Christ
Thursday, January 18, 2007
Daily Reading January 18
Father, you have rescued me and you have forgiven me! And there is so much to be forgiven. If I only think of this morning and yesterday there is a mountain of laziness instead of obedience that needs to be moved. Give me faith to trust in Your promises instead of my works. Give me faith to trust in You and not in my repentence. Show me my forgiveness in You that I may be ready to forgive others. Lord you truly are amazing. If anyone should hold a grudge it's You and not me but I do it and you don't! Repentence based on the work of Christ brings reconciliation with You. Teach me to do the good work of forgiveness and grace giving that those around me may see You in me and glorify You and not me. Lord, there is so much for You to do in me. Remind me constantly that Christ is my only hope for now and for the future. Ground me constantly in His work that I may be faithful to do Your work. Draw near to me.
In Christ
Father, you have rescued me and you have forgiven me! And there is so much to be forgiven. If I only think of this morning and yesterday there is a mountain of laziness instead of obedience that needs to be moved. Give me faith to trust in Your promises instead of my works. Give me faith to trust in You and not in my repentence. Show me my forgiveness in You that I may be ready to forgive others. Lord you truly are amazing. If anyone should hold a grudge it's You and not me but I do it and you don't! Repentence based on the work of Christ brings reconciliation with You. Teach me to do the good work of forgiveness and grace giving that those around me may see You in me and glorify You and not me. Lord, there is so much for You to do in me. Remind me constantly that Christ is my only hope for now and for the future. Ground me constantly in His work that I may be faithful to do Your work. Draw near to me.
In Christ
Tuesday, January 16, 2007
January 16th Daily Bible Reading
What a blessing it is to read Scripture and what a joy it is to pray in response. I have a plan (let's see if it works) to post a brief prayer for each weekday, and some weekends, in connection with the daily reading.
Father, teach me to set my mind on Your interests so that Your interests shape and replace my interests. Abraham laughed at your promises and offered his better way. Peter grew angry at your plan and wanted to oppose the thought of it. God I do the same. I don't want to deny myself I want to embrace and strengthen my self. I don't want to pick up my cross I want to pick up the remote while I read blogs. I don't want to follow you I want to stay where I am.
God give me a vision of you. God awaken a dry soil to the satisfying joys of Christ, His cross, and His way. Lord you are good and so merciful to me. Do not let me miss the point of your teaching. You are the Almighty. You reveal truth. Reveal the truth of Christ to me that I and your church may grow. Reveal the truth of Christ to me and your church that we may make progress against the kingdom of Satan. May we be gate crashers instead of pew warmers by your strength and for your glory.
We praise you for Christ our all sufficient Savior
Father, teach me to set my mind on Your interests so that Your interests shape and replace my interests. Abraham laughed at your promises and offered his better way. Peter grew angry at your plan and wanted to oppose the thought of it. God I do the same. I don't want to deny myself I want to embrace and strengthen my self. I don't want to pick up my cross I want to pick up the remote while I read blogs. I don't want to follow you I want to stay where I am.
God give me a vision of you. God awaken a dry soil to the satisfying joys of Christ, His cross, and His way. Lord you are good and so merciful to me. Do not let me miss the point of your teaching. You are the Almighty. You reveal truth. Reveal the truth of Christ to me that I and your church may grow. Reveal the truth of Christ to me and your church that we may make progress against the kingdom of Satan. May we be gate crashers instead of pew warmers by your strength and for your glory.
We praise you for Christ our all sufficient Savior
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