Friday, January 26, 2007

Friday's prayer

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Lord, as I read Your word today I was saddened by the overwhelming amount of self-centered sin. Jacob lied to his father to get the blessing. Esau comforted himself with thoughts of murder. The Pharisees planned a strategy to kill Jesus. Judas betrayed Christ for money. The disciples ran scared leaving their Savior alone. Peter cursed and denied evening knowing Christ. Father we are desperately in need of grace. I am in need of your mercy because I feel the temptation to lie, comfort myself with thoughts of other's destruction, and abandon You and Your will for my own confort and security. My Lord and my God please wash me. As I came to Your word this morning and reasoned with You what is clear is that my sin is like scarlett and crimson before You. As I saw sin upon sin in Your Scripture I was reminded of my own cleansing. I thank You Father that Christ did not run scared, sucumb to the temptation of the easy way, return death threats for death threats, or curse instead of serve. I thank you that in Christ's life, death, and faithfulness I find forgiveness and power to overcome sin. Thank You Father. Thank You.


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