Tuesday, January 30, 2007

Tuesday's prayer

Reading- http://www.gnpcb.org/esv/devotions/one.year.tract/

My God who is the very Fear of Isaac and Lord of the Sabbath, call me out of the darkness. Like Levi, may I hear you say, "follow me" and may I have the heart to follow. My priorities are confused and so much of my day seems wasted working for another man's selfish gains; working for the old man's selfish desires. Forgive me. You have the power to forgive sins; Lord forgive me. Make me a friend to those in need. Give me faith to sustain not just my self but those around me who cannot carry their own weight. Give me friends who whose faith will sustain me when I cannot carry my own weight. Lord the discontent within my soul longs for your return.

Come Lord Jesus

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