Tuesday, December 04, 2007

Hope in Him

1 John 3:2-3, "Beloved, we are God's children now, and what we will be has not yet appeared; but we know that when he appears we shall be like him, because we shall see him as he is. And everyone who thus hopes in him purifies himself as he is pure."

The first epistle of John is a highly practical book. John does not pull punches or sugar coat God's Word. Those who practice righteousness have been born of God. There is every reason to have confidence as we look to Christ's return and there is no reason to shrink in shame. Through the work of Christ all those who have faith in Christ are made to be like Christ.

What that fully looks like we do not yet know but we do know that when Christ returns we will be changed to be like him. The reason? We shall see him as he is. This is an interesting reason because we would expect something more like, "because we will be given glorified bodies." Or, "the old will pass away and the new shall come in its fullness." We do not expect to be changed because we see him as he is. Yet, this is the reason why we will be changed. We are now talking about the Christian's desire to be like Christ. A Christian is not someone who just hopes not to go to hell. A Christian is someone who wants to be like Christ. We want to know God fully. We want to be pure. We want to walk in righteousness pleasing the Father in all things. The glorious truth of the gospel is that when we see Jesus our heart's desire will be met- we shall be like him.

Everyone who thus hopes in him purifies himself as he is pure. Is this your hope? Do you want to be like Jesus? Does your heart long to put on holiness, righteousness, joy in the Father, God-glorifying obedience, and an unhindered relationship with God? These are the greatest passions a person can possess. Do you hope for these things? The person who hopes for these things, the person who hopes in Christ purifies himself as Christ is pure.

Father, in this moment I pray that you would make me like Christ. Give me a mind like His. Give me a heart like His. Give me a purity like His. I want to be like Him so that I may know all three of You, the perfect Trinity. I want you to be pleased with my life and pleased with my death. I want you to be pleased with my thoughts and pleased with my deeds. Purify me this morning through hope. There is much in my life to discourage me. Wash away my sins with the work of Christ. Atone for my sins through Christ. Strengthen me through Christ. Give me hope through Christ. I am Yours my King. I believe in the name of Your Son Jesus Christ and I desire to love others. Through faith in Christ make me like Christ.

In Jesus' Name

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