Wednesday, December 26, 2007

Old Testament Revival

Did you notice the revival that Judah experienced in the time of Hezekiah? There are a few things that stood out to me as I was reading; these things have characterized revival in the past. First, revival is never about finding something new but returning to what has always been God's will. That's also why its called re-vival and not discovery. Second, there are some who won't agree, understand, and will mock what is true. Third, revival will involve an increase in obedience to God along with impact on all of life. And finally, 2nd Chronicles 31:21, "And every work that he undertook in the service of the house of God and in accordance with the law and the commandments, seeking his God, he did with all his heart, and prospered."

Father, give me a whole heart to seek after You. You are worthy and strong. That You would send your Son for me is such an amazing gift. That Your Son would die for me is beyond comprehension. Revive my heart to serve you. I don't want to just have some improvement of religion. God I want improvement in all of my life. I want all of me to be changed by Christ. I want all of me to be governed by Christ. I want to live for Christ. Do not let me think about what others will say. Let me think about what Christ has done and how I am given life in Him. Send revival to me. Send revival to my church. Turn our hearts to You.

In Jesus' name

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