Wednesday, August 02, 2006

Emotions, confusion, or something else

I agree with Aaron, Bunyan at times took too much license with Scripture, but when we chastise him for his misuse we must be careful not to miss what he gets right. Page 31, paragraphs 113-116, are great examples. It appears from his writings that the majority of these were in his memory or came through his dedicated study. Though he did get it wrong sometimes he was in the practice of trying to preach the truth to himself. His emotions and confusion clouded the truth.

I try to be quick to point out the dangers in “touchy feely” religion that preys on passions and captivates (2 Tim 3:6). Yet it is not the theologically ignorant who fall prey to emotions as Bunyan proves. We could argue from previous mishandlings that Bunyan wasn’t equipped to fight properly but I think we should be careful to pass quick judgments. Is it a simple fix such as straightening out his soteriology (doctrine of salvation) and all would be emotionally well?

Bunyan has me confused.

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