Tuesday, July 03, 2007

Thinking About Death

Early this morning, around 2AM, a neighbor and regular church attender past away. His name is Wayne Rose and his family is grieving. God calls me to give them hope in Christ. Let me share some of my hope with you.

As I prayed this morning the Spirit brought the story of Lazarus from John 11 to my mind. There Jesus teaches us great lessons that are balm for our mouring souls. First, we are to understand that God is sovereign over death. It was Christ's decision not to heal Lazarus before death so that good would come from this sad event. We are not in control. Doctors are not in control. Satan is not in control. God is in control and He is merciful and gracious. Second, we are to understand that even in death Christ will be exalted. When our hearts long to see Christ high and lifted up death is one of the most pointed avenues for His exaltation. We exalt Christ when we put our trust in Him and our hope in Him in response to the death one whom we dearly love. The reason we can put our trust in Him is because Jesus said, "I am the resurrection and the life. Whoever believes in me, though he die, yet shall live, and everyone who lives and believes in me shall never die" (John 11:25-26). Here is great hope. Jesus is the resurrection and the life. Those who hope in him hope secure. Christ has defeated death so death is not final. Christ may raise a person from their death beds or He may raise them from the graves. Either way, because of Christ he will be raised.

Verse 26 ends with a question which Jesus posed to Martha, "Do you believe this?" He poses that question to us today. Do you believe this? Do you believe Jesus is the resurrection and the life? Do you believe He is the conqueror of death? Do you hope in Him when hope in everyone and everything else is lost?

Father, I pray to You to day that You would send Your Spirit to speak to Wayne's family. Speak to Hazel, Jackie, Ethan, and Haley. God, may they please see that Christ is the resurrection and the life. God, may they hope in Your Son. May they rest in His power over death. May they dwell secure. Your Holy One is in Zion. Our hope is at Your right hand. Show us that. Teach us that today. Show us Christ.


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