Monday, September 17, 2007

Sin: from desire to hatred

2 Samuel 13 details in a horrific way the progress we all go through when tempted. Amnon saw something beautiful and good but potentially sinful. If he would have asked, if he would have acted appropriately Tamar would have been given to him as his wife. But with all sin we are not concerned with what is lawful but with what will quench our desires. He is influenced by a worthless man (see Psalm 1) and concocts a sinful scheme. Amnon lies to his father, his servants, and his sister. He then rapes his sister. He achieved his goal. Amnon quenched his desire. Then a horribly remarkable thing happens. Tamar, the one who used to make him sick with desire now makes him sick with disgust. Once Amnon took what he thought he could not live without he realized he could not live with it. So it is with every sin. We become consumed with desire and convince ourselves it would be wrong to do with out. We lie, cheat, and steal to attain what we want. When we get it; it's neither what we need nor what we want.

My Father in heaven, give me eyes to see things as they really are. Do not let me deceive myself with lies about sin. I do not want to be an Amnon. I do not want to be full of sin and full of disgust. I want to be like Christ. I want to be full of righteousness and full of joy. Guard me from worthless men and guard me from becoming a worthless man. Make me as disgusted over my sin as I am over Amnon's. Satisfy me with your presence. Feed me with your word. Guide my feet on path's of righteousness.

In Jesus' name

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