Thursday, December 20, 2007

Pay Attention Don't Drift

The lesson is the same from the kings of Judah to the end of time: we need to hold fast to Jesus Christ. The product of our depraved natures is to look inward instead of look Godward. Unfortunately this doesn't disappear at the new birth. The residual effects are felt every day while we walk this earth. To put it is as blunt as Scripture does there is the temptation to return like a dog to its vomit (2 Peter 2:22). Joash returned to his vomit. The nations will wallow in the mud. Christ and Christ alone is what cleans us up and keeps us clean. Looking to Christ who is the full display of God's glory brings repentance of sin and sanctification. We must intentionally set Christ before our eyes. After my daily bible reading and prayer this morning I returned again to Philippians chapter 2. This passage has pointed me repeatedly to the glories of Christ and my satisfaction. Search for Christ in His word and you will be satisfied.

Father, shine the light of Your glory today into me and out through me. I want to see Jesus. I don't want to run well for a time and then lose it in the end. I want to run the race, finish well, and win the prize. Oh how I need Jesus. Oh how I love Jesus. I live in a dark land constantly bombarded by the temptations of darkness. Surround me with light. Use me to shine forth the light of Christ. Master, it is my desire to be used by You. Show me Your glory that I might be transformed. Teach me great and wonderful things about my Savior.

In Jesus' name

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