Friday, August 03, 2007


I guess the way my wife likes to occasionaly rearrange the furniture is the way I like to occasionaly rearrange the blog. The biggest changes (which are really small) are that I changed the blog title (not address) and I added a list on the right of helpful resources on & for prayer. I want the title to better reflect what's going on here so I changed it. The list is a work in progress because my prayer life is a work in progress. I've read books on prayer but haven't found any truly stellar and worthy of the "you must read this" recommendation. I'm currently reading Graeme Goldsworthy's Prayer and the Knowledge of God and then I plan on reading John Bunyan's book on prayer.

I regularly us the IMB's resources to keep informed and pray for our missionaries. I receive email updates and would recommend you do the same. I ordered Piper's seminar on pray and found it very challenging and helpful. It would be a good use of your valuable time to listen to the seminar.

I'm interested to hear what you have found valuable. Please leave a comment if you have something you have found helpful (books, sermons, articles, blogs, advice, etc.).


Anonymous said...

When I've tried to follow a "system", the attempt seemed artificial and legalistic. Prayer from the heart for me is "plain talking" with trust from me to God the Father for needs I know about and particularly when prompted by the Holy Spirit. Many times public prayer for me doesn't "feel" genuine.

The above rambling is from a christian whose prayer life is meager and deficient.

Paul said...

What are the standards you use to judge the "feeling" of genuineness?