Thursday, August 02, 2007

Sound familiar?

An angel of the Lord visits a woman and promises, "you will bear a son." The young man grew, the Lord blessed him, and the Spirit stirred him. The young man became a strong man doing many great things. But the strong man was captured in the night; betrayed by one he loved. He was tortured and beaten. The leaders and the people mocked him. He prayed to God for strength. He accomplished much in his life but by his death he accomplished so much more.

When we teach and speak of Samson what is our emphasis? Don't be a lover of self? Don't eat honey out of dead lions or kill people with donkey bones? Don't trust a material girl?

Remember, the Christian life is neither first nor foremost about being like someone (Apostle Paul) or not being like someone (Samson). The Christian life is first and foremost about believing in someone (Jesus Christ). It is not enough to be like Jesus or Paul and not be like Samson. It is not enough to do anything or everything required. We must first look to God's grace. We must believe in the Doer of everything required. We must hope in the Fulfiller of all righteousness. We must see the magnificence of Jesus even compared to other mighty men of Scripture. Even Moses and Abraham do not compare but were only shadows of the perfect one to come. Be careful of imitation. Be strong in trust. Repent to God and put your faith in Christ.

Father, I thank you that I am not required to be my own savior. I thank you God that my savior is not a sinful self-centered man like Samson. I praise you that my savior is not a man who is with me for some time and then leaves never to return again. Thank you God that my savior is Jesus Christ. The perfect God-man is my king. The perfect God-man is my high priest and my sacrifice. The perfect God-man is my prophet. Thank you Father for Jesus. Help me to make Him known. Give me great strength to proclaim your whole council. May I pay careful attention to myself and all the flock. May I become like Christ because of your great grace.

In His name

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