Saturday, August 04, 2007

The Wicked Priest and the Faithful Witness

As the story of Micah unfolds it goes from bad to worse. The sickening thing to me is the bullying that went on and the fear in response. The majority gets to make the decisions and the majority gets to make the theology. The priest saw a better opportunity (meaning a better name and better salary) so he left. Micah, without his carved image, was nothing against the larger forces so he had to cow down and go home empty handed.

As the story of the Apostle Paul unfolds it goes from bold to even more bold. The encouraging thing is the faithfulness illustrated again and again. The majority opposed Paul yet he would not let the majority make the decision or make the theology. He saw the opportunity to proclaim Christ so he took it. Paul, with his God, was a powerful witness to the work of Jesus Christ.

Father, today as I go about errands and leisure activities do not let me cow down. Open up doors for me to faithfully proclaim Jesus Christ. Give me clarity as I speak. Make my mind sharp and stir my spirit to obey. I want to be useful. I don't want to follow the crowd unless the crowd is following You. Give me boldness. Give me Your Holy Spirit.

For Christ

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