Thursday, April 19, 2007

Sing Praises

It is truly a blessing that our God commands us to be joyful. It's not a bad thing or a wrong thing to shout because of joy. In fact, it honors God when we shout for joy. Leviticus 23 details numerous feasts the Israelites would partake in every year. Several of those feasts were parties; celebrations of God and his work. The downtroden, stoic, unresponsive, and morbid "Christian" needs to hear God's call to take joy in Him.

Lord, give us joy in you. Give us strength in our trials and endurance in our pain. But please, Lord, do not give just enough strength or just enough endurance. Give an abundance that we may shout for joy even in difficulty. Remind us of your word. Show us that all your work is done in faithfulness. You do indeed love righteousness and justice. Give us eyes to see that the earth is full of your steadfast love. And Lord we confess these blessings are our's only because of Jesus. Your anger is only for a moment because Jesus took it all. Your wrath on your children has been completely consumed. Your anger is for a moment but your joy is for a lifetime. Joy is for right now and joy is for eternity because Christ is for right now and Christ is for eternity. We sing your praises. We sing Christ's praises.


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