Monday, March 26, 2007

Monday's Prayer


Father, how I thank You that in Your perfect wisdom You have given me the perfect Helper. Thank You that You did not leave me alone. Just as Jesus always had You and was never left alone though all the disciples deserted him so too I will never be left alone because I will always have the Spirit though everyone desert me. Teach me to draw my joy most powerfully from all that You are in the holy Trinity. Jesus, You promised that whatever I asked in Your name I will receive so that my joy may be full. Give me Christ centered joy. Focus me on Jesus. Deepen my understanding of Your holiness and Your subsitutionary death. Stretch my mind that I may grow. Stretch my affections that my joy may abound in You. Mature me that I may endure tribulation knowing that You have overcome the world. You have said these thing to keep me from falling away. Thank You Father, Son, and Spirit that You love me enough to keep me from falling away.

In Christ

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