Thursday, March 08, 2007

Thursday's Prayer


My Lord and my Sacrifice, there is so much to pray in respone to Your Word give me wisdom and perseverence in prayer.

You are God strong and mighty, pure and holy. The Exodus teaches us so much about You and about Christ. We cannot approach you on our own. We cannot force our way into your presence. And there is the haunting phrase, "if you obey fully and keep my covenant then you'll be my treasured possession" (Ex 19.5).

I thank you for Jesus. I cannot fully obey. I cannot keep your covenant but He did. With the Passover meal Jesus provided for me a way onto your holy mountain. WIth the new covenant You made the way to you no longer dependent on the individual but dependent on Christ. Christ's body was broken and blood spilt for me the one who did not obey fully nor keep your commandments. God, You provided a way for me to climb your holy mountain and be a part of your kingdom. Thank you for Jesus.

Help me to live like Jesus. Help me to serve like Jesus. Help me to be humble like Jesus. Help me to pray like Jesus. May I never sale Jesus out. May I never deny Jesus. Lord wash me from my past and give me strength for Your future.

I long for the day when I will eat the passover meal with Jesus. The joys of seeing my Savior face to face are beyond my comprehension. Give me a taste of that joy today. Give me a hunger of that meal and a strong desire to see all those around me join in the feast.

Make me more like Jesus.

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