Wednesday, May 09, 2007

It's like butter

Psalm 55:20&21 "My companion stretched out his hand against his friends; he violated his covenant. His speech was smooth as butter, yet war was within in his heart; his words were softer than oil yet they were drawn swords."

What is within your heart? Do you despise authority? Do you butter people up so you can use them for your own selfish gain? These are devastating words for me. I want to be in authority and I know how to manipulate people. My almost 1 year old daughter knows how to manipulate me. It is frightening how early and effectively we learn how to hurt people, break our promises, manipulate with a compliment, and maniuplate with a cut-down all to get what we want.

I will be preaching Colossians 2:8-10 this coming Sunday. As the Hebrew people struggled against Moses and Aaron, as we struggle against authority, we must learn that all the fullness of God is found only in Christ. Our lasting satisfaction will be gained in God and on his terms. May we turn from empty and vain philosophies based on the world of me. May we turn to the fulfilling and true philiosophy based on Christ.

My God, forgive me and change my heart. I love to be in authority and have people do what I want without consideration to your authority and what you want. Forgive me for wanting to Lord over people and for relishing in pride when I do. I want to be useful to you. I want to want you. I want others to want to be useful to you and I want others to want you. Do a great work in our hearts. Make us like Jesus.


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