Monday, May 21, 2007

Who gives this woman to be married to this man?

Do you know why a pastor asks the father of the bride, "Who gives this woman to be married to this man?" Or better yet, do you know why a pastor should ask the father of the bride, "Do you give this woman to be married to this man?" Numbers 30 tells us why this question is asked and recognized by the couple, the parent, and the congregation; it's an issue of responsibility.

While the woman is living with her father she is his responsibility to care for and to raise. He is a compassionate authority over her; looking after what is best for her. When she marries she is no longer her father's responsibility and is now her husband's responsbility. From Ephesians 5 we know that the husband is to treat his responsbility for his wife with loving concern and complete sacrifice.

Father, we pray this morning for husbands. Speak to them about their responsibilities for their wives and daughters. Show them what you require from your Word. Make them men who will fight to the death for their wives and daughters. Make them men who want what is best for their families and make them men who know what is best for their families. Raise up men who know you and love your Son. Raise up men who understand that you are both a gentle Father and a strong Warrior. Make us men like Christ.


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