Friday, May 04, 2007

Their god was their belly

Those who are not satisfied with God, those who live as though Christ is not enough, can never be satisfied. Now, they set about a false standard believing that if it is met they will be happy: if I get some meat, if I make a certain amount every year, if I find a spouse, if we have a child, if I hear this type of music in my church, if I hear this type of preaching. The false standard is set and it is false because once the standard is met they are not happy. The problem is not the particular desire in this case. It's not wrong to want to eat meat, get married, have a child, like certain music more than others, or enjoy a certain type of preaching more than others.

What is wrong is the heart's desire to make a fortress out of a single brick. In Psalm 48 we see the repeated truth that God is a fortress. It is in him that we are to live, find protection, and be satisfied. This was true in the Old Testament and given even more glory in the New Testament in the person of Jesus Christ. We must do battle with our hearts which seem to be constantly chasing after lesser pleasures. Monetary pleasure, physical pleasure, influence, companionship, and wasteful ease tempt us to turn from Christ and be satisfied in them. When you do not get your way and feel yourself preparing for battle ask yourself, "am I chasing after quail?"

What happened? They got their meat and they met their deaths. If they didn't die they had so much meat it was running out of their noses. Would the quail make them happy? Only for a moment until the sin set in.

Lord, forgive me for loving and searching for meat more than loving and searching for You. Forgive me for complaining about truly stupid things that do not matter. Make me a man who is satisfied in You and Your Son by the power of Your Spirit. Show me immediately when I start to chase after lesser things. Prepare me now as I pray to turn immediately from those debilitating desires when I see them and run to Jesus. I want to rest in God my fortress from the inside instead of tremble with fear on the outside. As I think on your steadfast love, your right hand filled with righteousness, I am glad because in Christ I experience your love and I am given righteousness. You are forever and you will guide me forever. I praise you my king.

In Christ

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